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Advanced Monitoring Strategy and Implementation

Helping agencies understand, select, approve, and use an array of new environmental monitoring technologies.

Data Standards for Continuous Monitoring Data

Identifying and evaluating existing data standards that meet the needs of EPA, states, and tribes seeking to use advanced monitoring sensors.

Decision Support Tools for RCRA Waste Generators

Provided design assistance for a mobile-accessible tool to help facilities determine their generator status other RCRA requirements.

Disaster Debris Recovery Tool

An interactive tool for disaster response and planning experts with data on recyclers and landfills capable of managing disaster debris.

E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform (EECIP)

Online community for E-Enterprise partners to share and search projects, answer discussion questions, and connect with peers across agencies.

E-Enterprise Digital Strategy

The E-Enterprise Digital Strategy represents a shared vision among E-Enterprise partners to better coordinate their IT systems and services, improve collaboration using shared data, and reimagine ways to use technology to achieve better environmental outcomes and provide more responsive services to the public and the regulated community. The E-Enterprise Digital Strategy provides a set of…

E-Reporting Tribal Water Quality Decisions

Modernizing tribal water quality tracking and reporting.

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) Workgroup

The EELC chartered the ECHO Case Study Team to make ECHO an even better tool by collaboratively addressing data quality problems that show up on the ECHO website and establishing mechanisms for more cooperative stewardship of information displayed on this site.

ePermitting Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

Allows agencies to generate tailored estimates of benefits to applicants based on improvements to three metrics of the permitting process.

Facility Integration Using Shared Services

Facility data lie at the core of all environmental regulatory processes. Linked to other critical environmental data such as hazardous waste, air, and water quality, well-managed facility data have the capacity to provide a comprehensive picture of environmental sites that enables co-regulators to better understand potential environmental impacts. The E-Enterprise Facility Integration Project developed shared…

Lean and Information Technology (IT) Toolkit

A basic guide for using Lean and IT in tandem to amplify efficiency gains. With sections on Lean Startup, Lean Process Improvement, and Agile Methodology.

Permitting Metrics Project

Sample metrics to analyze, evaluate, and improve permitting systems.