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Our Vision

More than 50 years after the creation of the EPA and the enactment of a broad set of federal environmental protection laws that states and tribes may be authorized to implement within their jurisdictions, the various levels of government have developed complementary areas of expertise. By recognizing the advances that these co-regulators have made in the implementation of environmental programs, E-Enterprise seeks to capture and combine the best of all the capabilities and resources. These include the capacity for shared governance, which is necessary to provide streamlined processes, trusted information, and enhanced productivity for the national environmental enterprise.

Using a shared governance model to streamline business processes and leverage technology enables the nation’s environmental protection enterprise to be more informed, timely and productive. This can lead to results such as improved health and environmental outcomes, strengthened support of  local jobs and communities, and greater trust among the regulated community, the public, and co-regulators through data integrity and communication.

Our Value

Modernize business processes.

E-Enterprise improves regulations by streamlining and updating the implementation of environmental programs.

Enhance services to users.

We are focused on reducing transaction costs and burdens for the regulated community by leveraging technologies, such as promoting electronic reporting and permitting, online portals and business practices, training and assistance, and other tools (see our projects).

Advance Shared Governance among U.S. EPA, States, and Tribes.

We aim to transform the way environmental programs are implemented through collaboration and shared governance.