The Board initially focused on developing an alternatives analysis, which was finalized in July 2020. The analysis identified a suite of development options for the modernized system and evaluated each one against a set of capability and cost criteria developed collaboratively by the Board. In July 2020, Board members deliberated on the options and conveyed option recommendations to EPA. EPA is expected to select an option in August. Upcoming board activity will focus on establishing guiding principles to drive the SDWIS Modernization development.
SDWIS Modernization Board members include leaders from EPA and state drinking water programs and information management offices. Eight states are represented on the board, led by co-chair and E-Enterprise Leadership Council member Victoria Phillips of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. These states are Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Washington. The diverse perspectives and expertise helped the board ensure that the analysis and option selection was as collaborative and complete a process as possible.