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By Type

ePermitting Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

Allows agencies to generate tailored estimates of benefits to applicants based on improvements to three metrics of the permitting process.

Facility Integration Using Shared Services

Facility data lie at the core of all environmental regulatory processes. Linked to other critical environmental data such as hazardous waste, air, and water quality, well-managed facility data have the capacity to provide a comprehensive picture of environmental sites that enables co-regulators to better understand potential environmental impacts. The E-Enterprise Facility Integration Project developed shared…

Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) Modernization Board

Partnering to improve environmental enforcement and compliance programs.

Lean and Information Technology (IT) Toolkit

A basic guide for using Lean and IT in tandem to amplify efficiency gains. With sections on Lean Startup, Lean Process Improvement, and Agile Methodology.

Participatory Science

Developing resources to improve the management and use of participatory science data among regulators and the public.

Permitting Metrics Project

Sample metrics to analyze, evaluate, and improve permitting systems.

Quality Assurance Project Plans

Improving the state and tribal QAPP process to provide transparency and consistency in the review and approval process.

Regulation Navigation

Online compliance assistance tools for specific NESHAPS and NSPS air quality regulations

Smart Mobile Tools for Field Inspectors

Improving field inspection quality, consistency, and efficiency using mobile devices.

Software Licensing Resources for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Developing planning tools to support tribal software investments and long-term costs.

State Planning Electronic Collaboration System (SPeCS)

A web-based system that facilitates states’ access to State Implementation Plans (SIPs) throughout their life cycle.