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E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform Draws Interest and Activity

Screenshot from the EECIP homepage   Environmental agencies around the country are turning to the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform (EECIP) to share their know-how and experience. EECIP has four main cornerstones — enter information, solve problems, save time and money, and build community. Recently, the EECIP team has made great strides in communicating the benefits of the...

State and Tribal Scientist Engagement Sought in Updating Quality Assurance Documents

Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Quality Management Plans (QMPs) are the primary documents used to implement EPA’s Quality Program. Each year, thousands of QAPPs and QMPs are developed and updated for EPA review and approval. Under the Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM) Directives’ clearance structure, these “requirements” documents will be updated and re-issued as IT/IM...

Massachusetts and New Jersey Step Up Air Monitoring in Environmental Justice Communities

MassDEP website air monitor map   As low-cost sensor technology advances, state agencies are able to provide more complete air quality monitoring data by expanding their monitoring networks economically and efficiently. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Commissioner Martin Suuberg marked this past Earth Day with an op-ed in the Chelsea Record detailing a new project to...

EPA OECA Engages States and Tribes in Work of New National Targeting Center

In June, EPA’s Office of Enforcement & Compliance Enforcement (OECA) met with representatives of states, tribes, and media associations to share information on its National Targeting Center (NTC), and to discuss options for further engagement. Established in April 2020, the NTC’s mission is to facilitate and coordinate the targeting of activities across air, water, and...

E-Enterprise to Support Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Community and Citizen Science

To promote the sound use of data in community and citizen science, EPA will convene a multi-stakeholder, invitation-only virtual workshop this fall. The virtual workshop will leverage the expertise of attendees to define a common roadmap to improve data management approaches. Among other areas of support, the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) will help to identify...

New Reg Nav Compliance Assistance Tools Released for Solid Waste Landfills

Reporting tool question from EPA website   Clean Air Act (CAA) compliance can be a complicated task. Fortunately, E-Enterprise is helping to ease the job with online compliance assistance Regulation Navigation (Reg Nav) tools, designed to help both regulators and the regulated community assess whether certain air quality rules apply to a facility. Reg Nav walks users...

EPA Phases Out Mailed Paper Manifests for Hazardous Waste

The Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest (e-Manifest) System facilitates the electronic transmission of the uniform manifest form, which accompanies shipments of hazardous waste. Beginning June 30, EPA stopped accepting mailed paper manifests from facilities for processing in e-Manifest. Moving forward, manifest and continuation sheet submissions will only be accepted in electronic, hybrid, data plus image, and image...

E-Enterprise Updates SPeCS Tools to Provide Clearer Air Quality Picture

EPA Public Dashboard   This spring, EPA released updates to three online tools that provide information about nonattainment and maintenance areas for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The tool updates were developed by the E-Enterprise State Planning Electronic Collaboration System (SPeCS) team, co-led by officials with the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning...

E-Enterprise Provides Platform for Collaboration on New Compliance & Enforcement Data System

Environmental protection agencies are collaborating through E-Enterprise to guide the modernization of the compliance and enforcement data system that underpins many of the nation’s regulatory programs for air and water. As the EPA Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) approaches the end of its lifecycle, new technologies and program requirements demand a modernized approach to collecting, managing,...

E-Enterprise Partners Explore Low-Cost Sensor Use in the States

Given dramatic improvements in the quality and cost of sensors over the last decade, environmental agencies have an opportunity to improve air monitoring and strategically conserve resources. It is thus helpful for states and tribes to understand the quality of the data provided by low-cost sensors and to learn from firsthand user experiences. With support...

CAER Team Deploys New System, Onboards More Agencies

The Combined Air Emissions Reporting System (CAERS) is an electronic reporting application, developed by the E-Enterprise Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) team, designed to allow facilities to report shared data to several programs with a single data submission. Programs with shared data include state, local, and tribal (SLT) reporting programs, the National Emissions Inventory (NEI),...

SDWIS Modernization Board Kicks Off System Development Phase

EPA and states have entered the next phase in creating a modern data management solution for drinking water programs across the nation. Building on foundational analysis and planning, the project to modernize the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) has now shifted to system design and development. Throughout the development phase, members of the SDWIS...