What roles do you fill on behalf of the E-Enterprise initiative?
I serve as the Regional Tribal Operations Committee delegate for Region 7 and represent the Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska. I am a member of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) and also serve as a Tri-Chair of the E-Enterprise Management Board.
What has been the most rewarding aspect of your involvement in E-Enterprise?
The most rewarding result of my involvement has been the invitation to sit at the table and represent Region 7 Tribal Nations. This enables me to contribute a tribal voice on behalf of my region to the discussions between states and EPA. In addition, networking and learning about all of the innovative E-Enterprise projects and ideas has been an eye-opening experience. In my small environmental department, we currently do not have the access many states and larger tribal nations have; this experience has allowed me to participate in discussions to expand not only our small department but to help others enhance theirs.
In which specific E-Enterprise projects are you currently involved, and how will that work improve environmental outcomes?
Serving as the Tri-Chair of the E-Enterprise Management Board, I have greatly enjoyed learning, discussing, and planning with my tribal colleagues, EPA, and states. This allows me the opportunity to engage tribes where appropriate in workgroup activities, to be involved in planning and idea development, and to have conversations with members of the board and other governance chairs on many E-Enterprise activities. I get to report out to the tribes during our tribal EELC calls and provide updates on new E-Enterprise initiatives, workgroup projects, and meeting logistics, and am able to obtain feedback from the other tribal EELC representatives.
What lessons have you learned through your experience with E-Enterprise?
I have learned the importance of environmental development as a tool to achieve cultural integrity and self-determination with tribal sovereignty.