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EE2020 Webinar Series Envisions the Future of Environmental Protection

The E-Enterprise and Exchange Network National Meeting (EE2020) has gone virtual. In lieu of an in-person meeting, EE2020 has launched a series of monthly webinars. Each installment features selected content from the original meeting program that showcases our theme of Envisioning the Future of Environmental Protection. The series kicked off in June with a presentation on the Chicago...

Kari Hedin Reflects on E-Enterprise Projects and Lessons Learned

  What roles do you fill on behalf of the E-Enterprise initiative? I currently hold the Tribal Chair seat for the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC), representing the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa as designated by the Region 5 Regional Tribal Operation Committee. I also serve as a Tri-Chair for the E-Enterprise and...

E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform Enables Partner Sharing

The E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform is a secure online project inventory and discussion platform for staff of federal, state, local, and tribal environmental agencies. Please join the community to engage in ongoing discussions on Innovative Responses to COVID-19, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics, and a number of other environmental and information technology topics.

EPA Seeks State, Tribal Input on Facility Data Business Needs

In June, the EPA Office of Mission Support (OMS) kicked off an enterprise-wide stakeholder outreach to gather requirements for future or anticipated facility data business needs. Outreach for input from EPA regions and programs and state and tribal partners will take place over the summer, and a final report will be developed in the fall....

EE2020 Webinar Recording: Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics In Environmental Protection

On Thursday, July 9, E-Enterprise convened its second webinar for the virtual EE2020 national meeting. The webinar was a conversation on machine learning and predictive analytics in environmental protection, featuring renowned experts from two institutions that have partnered with environmental agencies on these topics: the University of Chicago Energy and Environment Lab, and The Regulation,...

EnviroAtlas Helps Users Capture Nature’s Benefits, Map a Sustainable Future

How do environmental managers and public health officials identify the benefits that local forests, parks, wetlands, and other natural areas provide to their local communities? One way is through EPA’s EnviroAtlas. The rich web-based resource system provides users with a host of interactive tools, geospatial data, and resources for exploring the benefits people derive from nature...

EPA Unleashes the Power of Citizen Science

Imagine what could be achieved if thousands or even millions of citizens were engaged as research partners collecting and sharing data about their local environment. That’s the potential of citizen science—a process allowing research organizations to tap the collective strength of communities and the public to identify research questions, collect and analyze data, interpret results,...

The Internet of Water Partners with States to Improve Data Management

The Internet of Water (IoW) is accelerating the development of open data and information systems to support sustainable water resources management and water supply services. The IoW network is designed to mobilize cultural and behavioral change across individuals, agencies, and institutions to bring about necessary technological changes that will transform water information and enable better water management...

Iowa Unveils ‘EASY Air’ for Title V Permitting Applications

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has unveiled the latest in online technology that is making it easier for companies to apply for air quality permits. Businesses can now submit all construction and Title V air quality permit applications using the Iowa Environmental Application System—Iowa EASY Air. “We expect this online system to save...

E-Enterprise Partners Unite to Modernize QAPP Process

Professionals across EPA, states, and tribes are collaborating to improve the process of developing, reviewing, and approving Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) for state and tribal grants. This initiative has experienced early success with the acceleration of the QAPP approval process; on average, regions are approving 92 percent of QAPPs within 60 days of receipt from grantees....

SPeCS Reaches Milestone with 49 States; E-Enterprise Team to Build New Air Modules

Currently, 49 states use EPA’s State Plan Electronic Collaboration System (SPeCS), an integrated electronic submission, review, and tracking system for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and other state air agency submissions under the Clean Air Act. This expansion of SPeCS across the majority of the nation was highlighted at the spring E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) meeting,...

E-Enterprise Wraps Up Interactive Trainings on Smart Mobile Tools for Field Inspectors

Smart Mobile Tools for Field Inspectors (Smart Tools) improves the quality, consistency, and timeliness of environmental field inspections by allowing inspectors to complete electronic inspection reports on their tablets or ruggedized mobile devices. In late February, EPA completed a series of six hands-on training sessions around the country on Smart Tools. Developed by EPA and...