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EPA Hosts Wide Audience at Quality Program Event

In late April, the EPA Office of Mission Support (OMS) hosted a three-day virtual meeting with EPA, state, and tribal partners. EPA’s Chief of Staff kicked off the event and welcomed the more than 540 participants; this was followed by remarks from the EPA Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information. Sessions...

E-Enterprise Partners Tell Story of the Initiative in New Virtual Presentation

The E-Enterprise community has produced an informative presentation sharing the story of E-Enterprise for the Environment – a collaborative and transformative partnership working to simplify, streamline, and modernize the implementation of environmental protection programs nationwide. Among other highlights, the presentation features cameos by members of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC), who describe the value of the effort...

E-Enterprise Leadership Council Welcomes New Members, Bids Farewell to Former Member

The E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) is pleased to announce new EPA leadership and a new tribal member. Janet McCabe, Deputy Administrator, EPA – EELC Co-Chair Faisal Amin, Chief Financial Officer, EPA – EELC OCFO Representative Josh Worcester, Director, Environmental Programs, Caddo Nation of Oklahoma – EELC Region 6 Regional Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC) Representative E-Enterprise...

Management Board Co-Chair Alisha Bartling Reflects on the Benefits of E-Enterprise

What roles do you fill on behalf of the E-Enterprise initiative? I serve as the Regional Tribal Operations Committee delegate for Region 7 and represent the Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska. I am a member of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) and also serve as a Tri-Chair of the E-Enterprise Management Board. What has been...

Read the Twelfth Issue of the E-Enterprise Bulletin!

On August 25, 2021, E-Enterprise released the twelfth edition of the E-Enterprise Bulletin, featuring the following:

  • An interview with Alisha Bartling (Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska), a member of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council and the Tri-Chair of the E-Enterprise Management Board.
  • Featured projects including the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) and the Combined Air Emissions Reporting System (CAERS).
  • Other news including an upcoming multi-stakeholder workshop on Community and Citizen Science, the EPA OECA work in collaboration with states and tribes on a new National Targeting Center, and the Massachusetts and New Jersey’s efforts on Air Monitoring in Environmental Justice Communities.
  • Engagement opportunities including upcoming state and tribal scientist engagement in updating Quality Assurance documents, and the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform.

You can subscribe to future issues of the E-Enterprise Bulletin by clicking here.

Intro to E-Enterprise for the Environment

To learn more about E-Enterprise and our work to modernize the business of environmental protection watch our new video.

West Virginia Improves Access to Water Quality Data

Screenshot of West Virginia’s Quality Impact Portal   The West Virginia Water Quality Impact Portal (WVWQIP) facilitates access to surface and groundwater quality data in the 14 West Virginia counties where Marcellus Shale gas development is most prevalent. The portal allows users to visualize and analyze water quality data in relation to shale gas hotspots and other...

Oregon Develops Its Own Low-Cost Air Quality SensOR™

Oregon DEQ’s Prototype PM 2.5 Monitor   The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Oregon DEQ) has developed the SensOR™ – a less expensive, flexible continuous air quality monitoring solution that is enhancing its particulate matter 2.5 monitoring network throughout the state. With a price averaging much less than previous technology, these modules are enabling the agency to...

EPA and States Launch National Mapping Tool for Underground Tanks

Screenshot of the UST Finder web mapping tool   EPA and states have developed a national web mapping tool and database, UST Finder, to provide users with a first-ever national picture of underground storage tank (UST) facilities, USTs, and leaking UST (LUST) sites and their relationship to populations, potential flooding risks, private domestic wells, and source water...

States and Tribes Employ Drones to Enhance Environmental Results

States and tribes increasingly are turning to a valuable tool – drone technology – to enhance environmental protection in areas ranging from mapping and monitoring to inspections and emergency response. In recent years, states have established the use of drones within various environmental programs to boost water monitoring of harmful algal blooms, E. coli, cyanobacteria, bathymetric,...

‘Be Well Informed’ Adds New Partners and Plans 2021 Redesign 

Private well programs across the nation have access to a free online service –  Be Well Informed – designed through E-Enterprise for the Environment to help homeowners from participating locations better understand the results of water quality tests from their private wells. If a user’s well water contains commonly found pollutants, Be Well Informed can serve...

E-Enterprise Leadership Council Focuses on Collaboration, New Opportunities in the New Year

The E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) held its spring meeting on April 7 and 8, marking a full year of successful EELC activities leveraging virtual meeting tools. While many EELC members noted that they look forward to meeting in person again, convening virtual meetings has enabled increased participation and allowed members to hear from a wide...