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E-Enterprise Community Comes Together to Promote Tribal Participation

At the 26th Annual Inter-Tribal Environmental Council (ITEC) webinar series this past summer, attendees participated in a roundtable on E-Enterprise and Exchange Network that showcased opportunities for tribes to get involved and activities of the Tribal Exchange Network (TXG). The virtual meeting also featured the recently released Citizen Science tribal case studies compilation that highlights best practices from successful citizen...

ECOS Features E-Enterprise and Aligned Initiatives at Fall Meeting on Innovation

In September, ECOS convened the leaders of 46 state environmental agencies, top-ranking EPA officials, and others for a lively Fall Meeting on innovation that frequently touched on E-Enterprise activities.     The lineup of prominent keynote speakers included Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe, EPA Co-Chair of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC), who welcomed the ECOS meeting theme of Better, Faster, Smarter. She...

Massachusetts Estuary Program Introduces AquaQAPP, a QAPP-Generating Wizard

Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays) is pleased to share a new web-based application to support monitoring project managers in plan sampling and quality assurance activities. AquaQAPP generates tailored Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) for marine and freshwater systems, encompassing both water quality and benthic monitoring parameters for freshwater and estuarine/marine systems.  With funding from the Exchange...

EPA Partners to Provide Real-Time Air Quality Data to the Public during Wildfires

Over the past few years, wildfires have become more severe, and the fire season has gotten longer. In addition to the direct hazards presented by the fires, the resulting smoke makes air quality worse, posing risks to people’s health, especially those with heart or lung disease or other respiratory problems. Given the scale and magnitude...

OECA Engages with States, Tribes, and Academics on a Compliance Learning Agenda

In April, the E-Enterprise Leadership Council offered support to the EPA Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance (OECA) as it undertook the development of a Compliance Learning Agenda (CLA) to inform future data-driven decision-making on national enforcement and compliance activities. The CLA will provide a framework to test new and existing innovative technologies and policies; use data to optimize...

EPA Region 8 Launches Tribal Resource Center

  Committed to enhancing the EPA-tribal partnership, the EPA Region 8 Tribal Affairs Branch launched the virtual Tribal Resource Center (TRC) in September. The TRC is a centralized EPA informational resource, accessible to all Tribal Nations within Region 8.  The online center provides regional and national tribal-related information that includes, but is not limited to, EPA tribal policies and...

SDWIS Committee Approves Modernization Project Plan & Kicks Off Design Phase

In late August, the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Modernization Executive Steering Committee (ESC) approved the SDWIS Modernization Project Plan for Design and Development. The SDWIS Modernization ESC is co-chaired by Benita Best-Wong, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the EPA Office of Water, and Vaughn Noga, EPA’s Chief Information Officer. A Technical Review Team of EPA and state drinking...

E-Enterprise Supports Community and Citizen Science Data Management

In November, EPA convened a virtual multi-stakeholder workshop geared toward improving data management practices for community and citizen science data. Ideas from the session also will inform a roadmap as well as an EPA strategic plan on community and citizen science data management.   Attended by EPA, states, tribes, academia, and nongovernmental organizations, the workshop delved into case studies and technical aspects of managing community and citizen science...

EELC Envisions New Projects to Advance EPA, State, and Tribal Priorities

In late October, the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) met virtually for its Fall meeting to explore new projects and priorities for 2022-2023. EELC EPA Co-Chair Janet McCabe of EPA, State Co-Chair Myra Reece of South Carolina, and Tribal Member Jerry Cain of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians presided over the gathering.    The discussions kicked off with a review of...

E-Enterprise Leadership Council Welcomes New Members, Bids Farewell to Former Members

The E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) is pleased to announce new state leadership and a new tribal member.  Myra Reece (Left) & Leonard Bruce (Right)  Myra Reece, ECOS Vice President, Director of Environmental Affairs for the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control – EELC State Co-Chair  Leonard Bruce, Senior Planner & Policy Analyst, Gila River Indian...

E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) Member Victoria Phillips Charts Path Forward on Drinking Water System Modernization & More

What are your current efforts on behalf of the E-Enterprise initiative?   At the moment, my main E-Enterprise focus is to optimize the modernization of the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). I’m delighted to serve as Co-Chair of the SDWIS Modernization Board along with my fellow EELC member Benita Best-Wong of the EPA Office of Water. As Board...

Read the Thirteenth Issue of the E-Enterprise Bulletin!

On December 8, 2021, E-Enterprise released the thirteenth edition of the E-Enterprise Bulletin, featuring the following:

  • An interview with Victoria Phillips (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection), a member of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council, Co-Chair of the SDWIS Modernization Board, Chair of the E-Enterprise Communications Team, and Chair of the ECOS Digital Business Workgroup.
  • Featured projects including Community and Citizen Science Data Management, and Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS).
  • Other news including tribal groups supporting data management and information technology for environmental programs.
  • Engagement opportunities including the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform.

You can subscribe to future issues of the E-Enterprise Bulletin by clicking here.