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Water Data Foundations to Build an Internet of Water

Have you ever wondered if you could swim, drink, or eat fish from the waters near you? EPA’s How’s My Waterway allows users to access a large amount of data to begin to answer these questions. Water is an essential resource, used and reused several times as it flows from the mountains to the oceans. Because of the...

Checklist Functionality Coming Soon for Smart Mobile Tools for RCRA and NPDES

The E-Enterprise Smart Mobile Tools for Field Inspectors (Smart Tools) team is making strides enhancing Smart Tools for Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) inspectors. Environmental inspections are largely paper-based processes requiring hours of preparation and post-inspection work. Smart Tools brings environmental inspections into the 21st century by...

E-Enterprise Members Participate in EPA Workshop to Improve Participatory Science Data Management

In November 2021, representatives across media areas, EPA, states, tribes, and community organizations attended a three-day virtual workshop hosted by EPA to discuss participatory science data management. Participatory science is a useful resource for improving environmental protection and engaging community members. The workshop kickstarted the development of a roadmap for improving participatory science data management...

ICIS Modernization Board Looks to New Compliance and Enforcement Data Solution

Environmental protection agencies continue to collaborate through E-Enterprise to plan the modernization of EPA’s Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) – a data system that underpins many of the nation’s regulatory programs for air and water. Consistent with the E-Enterprise Digital Strategy, the ICIS Modernization Board (IMB) is guiding a process to gather input on a draft...

Air Reporting, Compliance Monitoring, Infrastructure, & Software Needs Headline EELC Meeting

Among the EELC leaders who gathered virtually are (left to right) top row: State Member Andy Putnam of Colorado, State Member Jim Macy of Nebraska, State Member Becky Keogh of Arkansas; middle row: Tribal Member Alisha Bartling of the Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska, Tribal Member Josh Worcester of the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma, Tribal Co-Chair Kari Jacobson...

E-Enterprise Regional Coordinators Sheryl Rosner and James Davies Reflect on E-Enterprise Journeys

“As I prepare to retire from EPA in May 2022, I have been looking back at my 30-year career. Undoubtedly, one of the best parts of my job has been supporting E-Enterprise on behalf of EPA Region 1. It has been satisfying to see how E-Enterprise has grown into an important and necessary collaboration between...

E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) Member John Dombrowski Highlights Collaborative Efforts on Compliance and Enforcement

How is E-Enterprise helping to advance the EPA, state, and tribal shared governance objective of working together as true partners? E-Enterprise provides multiple opportunities for EPA, states, and tribes to share experiences with efforts to protect human health and the environment. The basic premise of E-Enterprise is to provide a platform for positive change for...

Read the Fourteenth Issue of the E-Enterprise Bulletin!

On April 28, 2022, E-Enterprise released the fourteenth edition of the E-Enterprise Bulletin, featuring the following:

  • An interview with John Dombrowski (U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance), a member of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC).
  • Highlights from the EELC meeting held in March 2022 including tribal software needs, air emissions reporting, supplemental inspections with offsite compliance monitoring, and opportunities for coordinating new infrastructure planning and funding.
  • Featured projects including the ICIS Modernization Board looking to new compliance and enforcement data solutions, an EPA Workshop focused on improving participatory science data management, and a checklist functionality coming soon for Smart Mobile Tools for RCRA and NPDES.
  • Other news including a summary of the Office of Mission Support’s Quality Program Training Event, Wyoming’s WYWaste transformative data management system, and New Mexico modernizing technological and data approaches to do more with less.
  • Engagement opportunities including the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform.

You can subscribe to future issues of the E-Enterprise Bulletin by clicking here.

A New Year’s Message from the EELC Co-Chairs

Dear Friends: Greetings and Happy New Year to the growing number of partners supporting E-Enterprise for the Environment (EE). As Co-Chairs of the E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC), we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the entire EE community, recognizing both our significant accomplishments to date and the new priorities we are energized to undertake in 2022-23....

EECIP Invites Your Input on Renewable Energy Waste

EPA, state, local, and tribal agencies continue to turn to the E-Enterprise Community Inventory Platform (EECIP) to share our know-how and experiences. EECIP has four major cornerstones – enter and share information, solve problems, save time and money, and build community.   Engage with your colleagues today by joining the discussion thread on Managing Renewable Energy Waste Streams! It...

Tribal Groups Support Data Management and Information Technology for Environmental Programs

In the United States, there are 574 federally recognized Native American and Alaska Native tribes and villages. Although each is unique, there are commonalities in the challenges they face. Tribes collect data to assess the environmental conditions that impact their lands, resources, and their communities, but often have limited capacity to fully support this work with their available...

E-Enterprise Community Comes Together to Promote Tribal Participation

At the 26th Annual Inter-Tribal Environmental Council (ITEC) webinar series this past summer, attendees participated in a roundtable on E-Enterprise and Exchange Network that showcased opportunities for tribes to get involved and activities of the Tribal Exchange Network (TXG). The virtual meeting also featured the recently released Citizen Science tribal case studies compilation that highlights best practices from successful citizen...